Further, as per Pension Regulations 2018, along with Life Certificate, Non-. Employment Certificate is to be submitted by Ex-employee Pensioners upto one.
Marriage / Non remarriage and Non employment Certificate 1. I, Tmt./ I am not drawing any other pension other than this pension. Signature P.P.O.No.: Name : Date: Attested by: Title: Microsoft Word - marraiage,non remarriage,non employeement certificate.doc Author: Administrator
ii) Family Pensioner’s Non Marriage/ Non – Remarriage/ Non employment Certificate. G.O. 152 Finance(Pension) dated 22nd Certificate for Travelling Expenses for Medical Check Up of Former Presidents/Vice-Presidents: 6. ANNEXURE-XVIII(See para 15.3 & 15.4 page 11&12) 2002/08/19: Non Payment/ Re-employment Certificate: 7. ANNEXURE-VI(See para 4.4 page 2) Certificate for Travelling Expenses for Medical Check Up of Spouses of Former Presidents/Vice-Presidents: 8. Sub:- Submission of Life Certificate/non re-marriage certificate by Pensioners under EPS, 1995 – Regarding.
Download Govt. Pension Non-Employment Certificate : Non-employment / Re-employment Certificate in Fillable PDF, which you can fill before print Karvitt formerly Finotax
I declare that I have/have not accepted any employment under any Govt. outside India after Marriage / Non remarriage and Non employment Certificate 1.
RE-MARRIAGE/NON-RE-MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE (Only in case of Family Pensioners) I hereby declare that I have /have not re-married during the last one year. Signature/ Thumb impression of Pensioner EMPLOYMENT / NON RE-EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE (i). I hereby declare that I have not served in any capacity either in a Government department/office
Certified that I have seen the Pensioner … Non-Employment Certificate.
The (i) revised format of Life Certificate (ii) Non Employment Certificate, (iii) Non Remarriage Certificate are attached below for ready reference. Acknowledgment on submission of Life Certificate is to be given to the pensioner. Certificate for Travelling Expenses for Medical Check Up of Former Presidents/Vice-Presidents: 6. ANNEXURE-XVIII(See para 15.3 & 15.4 page 11&12) 2002/08/19: Non Payment/ Re-employment Certificate: 7. ANNEXURE-VI(See para 4.4 page 2) Certificate for Travelling Expenses for Medical Check Up of Spouses of Former Presidents/Vice-Presidents: 8. NON-EMPLOYMENT / RE-EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE (To be given by pensioner once a year in November) (A) Existed - Deleted* (A) I declare that I have been employed/re-employed in the Offices which is a part of / financed by and was in receipt of the following monthly rates of emoluments
Download Govt. Pension Non-Employment Certificate : Non-employment / Re-employment Certificate in Fillable PDF, which you can fill before print Karvitt formerly Finotax
NON -EMPLOYMENT / NON RE -EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE (To be given by pensioner once a year in November) I declare that I have not accepted any employment under a Government outside India / an International Organization of which Government of India is not a member.
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Therefore, it is advised that, to ensure the prompt and timely payment of pension, required undertaking regarding recovery of overpayment and non re-employment/ employment certificates after retirement along with Descriptive Roll and PPO may be forwarded to Banks/PDAs for payment of first pension.
#pensionersnews, #lifecertificate, #nonemployment, #nonremarriage In this video i have discussed about non reemployment certificate, non remarriage certifica
Life Certificate for Pensioners -Application Format with Non-Employment Certificate. STATE BANK OF INDIA CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED BY PENSIONER.
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Life Certificate for Pensioners – Application Format with Non-Employment Certificate “Revised Application Format of Life Certificate for Pensioners” ‘Life Certificate’ is mandatory to submit for pensioners and family pensioners every year to the Central Govt through physically or Digitally in the month of November.
Certified that I have seen the pensioner . NON-EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE. Life certificate/certificate of re-marriage/marriage/Non-employment/Re- employment on the prescribed format to the Pension Disbursing Agency. (PDA) on or non-employment certificates are given by the pensioners/family pensioners without submitting any other certificates like life / non-marriage/non re-marriage Signature of the Pensioner.
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RE-MARRIAGE/NON-RE-MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE (Only in case of Family Pensioners) I hereby declare that I have /have not re-married during the last one year. Signature/ Thumb impression of Pensioner EMPLOYMENT / NON RE-EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE (i). I hereby declare that I have not served in any capacity either in a Government department/office Life Certificate for Pensioners NON-EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE # I declare that I have not received any remuneration for serving in any capacity in an establishment of Central Government or a State Government or a Government Undertaking or from a Local Fund during the … The Director of Treasuries and Accounts shall issue suitable instructions to the Pension Disbursing Officers to accept the Non-employment / Re-employment Certificate and Non-remarriage / Non-marriage Certificate, as the case may be, without attestation. (BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR) NOTE: Forms Required at the time of 1st Pension Payment at STO/APPO office 1:Non-Employment Certificate 2:Non-Marriage Certificate 3:Bank Form Certificate 4:Direct Family Certificate 5:Anticipatory Pension/DCRG Certificate 6:Non Receipt of other pensioner certificate as per GOMS 47 dated 12-02-1960. 7:Xerox copy of the first page of the bank passbook.